the journey

The journey is the reward.

At the library last week, I encouraged my two oldest kids to check out a biography as a way to expand their literary horizons just a bit. Their books on Tiger Woods and George Washington remain unread, but I finished reading Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different today over lunch. I’m not certain that these words originated with him, but in his commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005, he told the graduates that “The journey is the reward.”

And indeed it is. It is so easy to get caught up in my to-do list, or in preparing for upcoming activities, and fail to consciously enjoy everyday life. If I’m focusing too much on the future, whether that is this evening, next month, or two years from now, I won’t be able to fully embrace this moment. My life right now is something I have been looking forward to for a long time, and I want to be sure to enjoy the journey.

(Photo by me, Rachel Swartley)

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